How To Use Parsley to Induce A Period- Third Stop on the Right» » » » Using Parsley to induce Menstruation – ResultsUsando Parsley to induce Menstruation – Results Like many of us, I have a love/abortion relationship with my period. Using a Diva The cup solves most of my menstrual discomforts of my life. But periods can be annoying, including getting early sometimes and late on other occasions. I once planned to use parsley to induce menstruation. Here is the step-by-step information, process and results. Editor's Note: Herbal remedies are not without side effects. This article is not a medical advice. It's not written by a doctor. This is a personal story. The product links are affiliate links. We earn a commission if you buy through them at no additional cost to you. Why do you want to use Parsley to induce menstruation Your period is your business, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! If you want to take birth control that will allow you to jump all together, go for it! And if you want to try sketch internet remedies to make it come faster, well... it's also your business, but please don't forget that's what this is! I wanted my period to be early because I was heading for Burning Man. You may have: If your period is a week away and you need it here now, the use of parsley to induce menstruation is one of your options. Can you use Parsley to induce Menstruation? Short answer: maybe. The glaze around the line will give you many, many stories of people to induce menstruation. On the other hand, my own experience (below) was unsatisfactory. There is no way to know the proportion of satisfactory attempts at unsatisfactory attempts. And remember that some of the success stories are of people whose periods were to start that day anyway, even if they hadn't done anything. We're in totally inscientific territory! Should you use Parsley to induce Menstruation? My story includes sticking parsley in my vagina. You shouldn't do this. I was dumb. It didn't even work for me. For other women, you can. If you stick with parsley tea, I hope the worst thing that happens is that you're totally disgusting. It is up to you to evaluate whether it is worth trying to start your early period. Today I would take a different choice. Between my Diva Cup and my reusable menstrual pads, my period doesn't give me much trouble. I wouldn't risk changing my menstrual cycle. How to use Parsley to induce menstruation To try to use parsley to induce menstruation, you will make and drink parsley tea. Here are the steps: My story of using Parsley to induce Menstruation I have PCOS and a very long luteal phase for my menstrual cycle. Normally ovum around the 14th day and then he doesn't bleed for at least three more weeks, sometimes 4. At the beginning of this experiment, I was at least a week from when I would normally begin my period. I was heading for Burning Man in a week and I wanted to get my period off the road. Make Parsley Tea I bought several groups of fresh parsley for this experiment. I put 5 cups of water in a pot and brought it to boil. Then I added a lot of parsley and a lot with the stems removed and steeped for 30 minutes. I drank my first cup around noon. Parsley Tea is disgusting Tea knew like a complete ass. If you like root vegetables, maybe you wouldn't hate it. I remembered whirlpools or wolves or something I hate. Joshua said it wasn't very bad, but he couldn't stand it. I read some recommendations to add honey, I tried. Ugh! That was worse. The sweetness was the completely wrong combination for this vegetarian taste. I think you'd have better luck with salt and oregano or something if you really wanted to taste it. The burps were nasty. How much to drink to start menstruation I had no idea how much I should drink. This article says until your period begins, and has been successful every time within a day. I was making things up while I was going. I drank a cup at noon, one at 12:30, and one at 1:00. Then I decided to take a break from the Nastina. I drank the two remaining cups later in the day. At 2:00, my stomach started to feel upset. I was hoping it was the beginning of the cramps, instead of an annoying tummy. 15 minutes later, I was in the bathroom with terrible diarrhea. Around 3:00 I decided to try another cup. When I brought tea to my mouth, I experienced a complete body NO! Just smelling it made me get tense and want to vomit. I decided not to drink anymore. Complete commitment to the experiment I wanted to give this experiment the full possibility of succeeding. But I didn't want to drink anymore either. At 4:00 I made a vaginal suppository. Yeah. I went there. Editor's Note: Don't do this. This means I wrapped parsley in cheese cloth, formed it in an appropriate way, and put it in my vagina. Entering there was a rather dumb effort. The suppository was very uncomfortable to use, so I went to bed and thought I'd use the chance to take a nap. At 5:00, an hour after inserting the parsley, I woke up, with a very different feeling, "Get this off me." Editor's note: You think? I got the suppository, and then I had to go to the bathroom with more diarrhea. That was it! No more parsley for me! The disappointing results The next day, I had a small stain. Barely pink on the toilet paper. Finding is not normal for me, so I was excited that this could have worked! Unfortunately, in the next few days I have continued to have the slightest stain, but my period did not begin. Finally, on Saturday, 5 days after using the parsley, my period began fairly just in time. However, I usually have 1-2 days of very heavy flow, followed by 5-6 days of medium flow. This time, I had no heavy flow, just a flow of light. And then, in the worst case, I had a flow of light for the next 14 days!!! My Conclusion I cannot guarantee that I was using the parsley that altered my period so drastically. I went to Burning Man during this time, which is a high-voltage physical environment. However, I started my period before going, so the lack of early heavy bleeding cannot be blamed for the Fiery Man. I won't try to use this method again. The parsley made me very sick, did not start my early period, and may have contributed to the light, very long, very annoying period. Are you interested in learning more about herbal medicine? If my parsley story didn't warn you forever, here's a couple of resources for more ideas. A beautiful book is. The Amazonian description says: "It promotes vibrant health and radiant beauty, calms everyday ills and relieves persistent stress with these simple natural cures for everything, from dry skin and childhood colic to cold symptoms and insomnia. The renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar provides 175 proven therapies and herbal remedies that are easy to prepare and safe enough for children. Offering a powerful and effective alternative to commercial pharmacists, Gladstar will inspire you to nourish yourself and those you love with nature's healing herbs." Another integral option is from the Amazonian description: "With 550 key herbs and their uses as natural remedies for almost 200 common ailments, Herbal Medicine Encyclopedia is the definitive reference to healing with the oldest form in the world of medicine. From ginger to lavender and thyme to lion tooth, learn about plant chemistry and how and why they work as medications within the body. Information on habitat and cultivation, used parts, active components, therapeutic properties and traditional and current uses is described in a single index of photographic plants, and instructions on the growth, harvesting and processing of their own home treatments are detailed." 40 thoughts about "Usando Parsley para Induce Menstruación – Results" sounds quite painful :/ ten@ Ashley Yes, it was a miserable experience. I was talking about that with some friends the other day, and the thought of that makes me sick. I'm overdose in the parsley! I like to be open about trying natural remedies for things, but this was not very good at all. I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience. I also have PCOS and I've been using Parsley for auto-induce for the past two years. I only drink about 3 cups a day and keep doing it for 2-3 days until my period arrives. Looks like it works well, much better than that damn prove! Maybe try to turn him around again? Given this experience, it is unlikely that you will try again. It's a very rare occasion that I want to change when my period is, anyway, so it's probably not gonna show up again for a while. I used this method for two days... when my cycle came three days later, my vagina was biting like crazy... I'm sorry I used parsley in my private, I had to be desperate or crazy. Thanks for having such an informative post available to the public. I've been looking for and looking for a personal account on this subject. You're welcome. I see I have a lot of traffic in this post, so it looks like a lot of people are looking for this information. I'm glad I can help. I just used the parsley method for the first time and within 3 days it can report success. They only added hot water to 2/3 teaspoons of dried parsley and ripped it off while it was still infused. 2-3 cups a day and I'm happy to say that all is how it should be 🙂Am Keniano. My period was two weeks late and I was beginning to feel pregnant. I looked for the Internet for a solution. It took vitamin C for 4 days, 2 tablets every hour. On the fifth day I boiled a bit of dried parsley and took three cups during the day. It didn't take anything at night and believe me I was seeing in the morning. many cramps however Thank you for publishing your experience with this! I needed my monthly gift to come a little earlier, but after hearing your experience, I'll just wait! Oh no, that sounds terrible! I'm taking my first cup of the experiment. I'll stay around the bathroom just in case. I'd like to know how your experiment is going! My doctor said I could have PCOS but I have to wait on the day three of my period to do the blood work, and I haven't had a period since June 15. What would you recommend? I am 25 years old, I have a child, and it seems to have developed these problems shortly after stopping Yaz (March 2011). In Yaz, I had a perfect skin never a break, I kept my weight if something lost a bit after stopping (2-3 pounds) and now I have acne on my back, chest, neck and above all forehead. My hair seems to be falling a lot more too. I went to the doctor in June because I felt "full" in my left ovary and it seems that he found a lot of small cysts, which is a "sign" of PCOS. He said he couldn't diagnose me with PCOS just because of that and that blood work was done on the 3rd of my next period, which I'm still waiting for. Please help with any advice you may have. This is very annoying to me, as I am still quite young and I was looking to have more children in the future. Thank you... Sarah, I don't have any real advice except talking to your doctor about your concerns and maybe google around a PCOS forum where you can find some emotional support, too. My period was 14 days late, and I was freaking out! I wasn't pregnant so I didn't know what was wrong. I tried parsley tea. He drank 2 cups on day 1, jumped on day 2, day 3 had 4 cups of parsley tea, I even ate the parsley leaves.. and slept with a parsley stem in my vagina...i I woke up about 7 hours later in the morning and there was my monster period!!!!!! Thank you parsley! I started this when my period was late (I have a hormonal dissemblance, nothing more than my menstrual cycle being simply crazy) I went to the store and bought two heaps. Now the first cup of tea I made, I just boiled some water and threw a 1 ounce ratio of water 2 ounces of parsley. I warmed it and when I was carrying it only the green vegetarian color made me spin the stomach, then the smell made me bit. I took a strong mint so I could prove it and put it in the background, I took some trouble because I already had a bitter stomach. I had no problems with vaginal insertion, it wasn't a problem getting it into, or an uncomfortable feeling. I'm waiting for my period because I'm two weeks late (not pregnant) and I've only been doing this for about two or three days. If it doesn't start in another week, I'll see my doctor about it, even though I hate that place. But thank you so much for this honest post! It helped me a lot. It works, I tried it yesterday after packing a lot of parsley with boiling water and drinking 3 cups of tea and now I'm lying. My period didn't mean 2 coming for another week, coincidence? It can't be. This works. is my 3rd day now to drink boiled parsley juice and insert as a size of parsley tampon rolled in cheese fabric but I still can't feel the sign of menstruation.. It is actually my first time that my delay in menstruation is about 8 days late, and what makes me more worry I am here in the country where pregnancy is not allowed for single women, that will be slash and prison until they give birth and the worst the baby will take with them, I fear because my doctor is in this month of April, but I have tried last week for a pregnancy test then it is negative. I hope that by tomorrow I have my period b4 will find out and hit me and put me in jail.. I really need help, someone please... If you're worried that you're pregnant and need to induce an abortion, the parsley isn't enough. Parsley is considered an emenagogue, which means he induces menstruation, but he is not an abortifacient, something that can induce abortion. There are risks with the attempt to induce an abortion. I think the safest option is probably vitamin C. Here is a page where you can read about the use of vitamin C to induce a miscarriage – Issa many thanks and one more please can or give me a brand name of vitamin C that I can take please. This is the last thing that despairs me and really needed your help.. Thank you again! I don't know any name of vitamin C brand. It should be available anywhere you can buy vitamins and supplements. The page I linked you to talk about how to choose between different options of vitamin C. If you have a doctor you can talk to about this, you should do it too. I'm just someone looking for stuff on the Internet. Take care. im on my 3rd day drinking parsley (water boiled on the cup with parsley leaves and small stems) I hope this works.My holiday is on the go of Thursday 15 will tell you guys once I have my period. Actually in my first glass on my first day, really horrible taste but I've tried to put calamansi "small citrus fruit"... better than the plane. Hi I have PCOD and my periods are always irregular... I've lost his profit and his 11th day and today I'm trying to parsly tea... I hope it works, that hav plans to visit the temple on 16... I would like you to come tonight..fingers crossit definitely works for me ... I throw a handful of parsley (mainly leaves, less stem) into a big cup, pour water boiling on it and let it get packed for at least 30 minutes. drink this once or twice a day for a day of coupla and usually get my period within the next 3 days. Although he doesn't know very well. I'm sorry to hear about your horrible experience with her! Hi, I've been 25 years ago 2 months ago. I've been having an irregular period since day 1 but it's never been delayed for more than a month. Last year it was delayed for six months. I'm a person who hates visiting hospitals. I wasn't pregnant, I was sexually inactive. I decided to visit the doctor. I got medroxyprogesterone to be taken for 10 days, which I did. 2 days after it happened. It flowed heavily for 3 weeks. I lost so much weight. They gave me some pills, which I took when it started to flow until I jumped one day, I kept forgetting to take the pill. Then I finally stopped taking it. My period continued to come for the 3 months nxt. d Last month was dec'11. until today he's not back. It's three months since the last flow and I'm worried that something is seriously wrong with me. I'm not pregnant, my period just doesn't come. I just started taking parsely, and I hope it works. I think it'll work. I can't afford to go to the hospital now because I don't have any medical insurance... I'm glad I can share my experience. My cycle is usually 25 to 28 days. This time when it spread beyond the 30-day mark, I knew it was time to prove anything, and parsley was. I drank 4 cups at 6-hour intervals; it worked as the magical coal my periods are here. Without cramps, without diarrhea! my 3rd day of drinking parsley tea prepared, I had some cramps as pre-menstrual signs but my period did not come yet. btw, I am 6 days late beyond my due, I had negative pregnancy test (2x). Very concerned, any advice Issa... thank you. There are all kinds of things that can delay your period, such as stress, dietary changes, changes in your activity levels, disease, etc. While it may be annoying to wait for your period and not have it on time, it is usually nothing to worry about. They delayed me 11 days last month and im in a regular cycle of 28 days.. I was as miserable and I saw the page of Sisterzeus' tried parsley for as 3 days drinking as much as I could with a lot of vitamin C luke takung 2 chips every hr.. Tgen finally came AF then I never had sex but why he's delayed again this month if he was able to induce. With parsley tea last month? I remember I also used parsley weighing There are many things that can delay your period, and your cycle can also change over time. If you have questions about your situation, a doctor is probably the best person to ask. What mark of vitamin C induces periods? And I have my periods in 3 weeks? Please help I do not know any brand name of vitamin C, and I cannot predict how your body will respond to any particular treatment. Is it necessary to drink more than 1cup a day? I had my parsley tea for two nights but it still doesn't have my period. You will have to experience for yourself. I declared my experience, but that's all I can do. I swear it worked like magic, my lips barely touched the cup and I had pink.. I haven't had a period since August and was about to die these last few days so today I took a cup and started coming down. It's not too bad for me because I love organic shit, so it has like a smell of broccoli / flavor to it. I'm gonna try every month to see if that will do the trick *(=hey I think I'm pregnant, you think it's gonna work on me? I'm two weeks late btw, I really want my menstruation to come, I can't have a baby now. Please help me. Hello, everyone. My period was late for 13 days. I've always been regular as a watch. My period always appeared every 28 days. I guess you can imagine how stressed and worried she was. She also had all the symptoms of p.m.: tender breast, swelling, back pain. I took 4 pregnancy tests and everything turned negative. I must say that when I stress too much my period would be late maybe 2 or 3 days late, but never 13 days like this time! In this occasion I had a very stressful couple of weeks that obviously affected my cycle (I suspected this would affect my period but I never imagined to what extent). I did some research on natural remedies to induce it, so I decided to try it with parsley tea. Let me tell you it works. AF appeared today. I drank 4 cups on Monday and 3 on Tuesday. I've read it worked for several women so when I decided to go for it I thought I had nothing to lose since parsley is not a dangerous herb. I had no other side effects with parsley tea, all I noticed was last night: I had the last two cups while the tea was still very hot and felt cramps throughout the night (this could be an important factor, I would recommend trying to have hot tea and not just hot as hot tea activates the circulation). Before my period I felt intense cramps and then voilà! AF is here 🙂Leave a comment Comment Save my name, email and website on this browser for the next time you comment. Do you have any baby questions? You want "Free Little Girl"? Download our eBook and get 35+ new ideas to get free baby stuff today! Essential guides Useful links Support links
5 November 2020 21 October 2020 5 February 2020 August 5, 2018 23 July 2015 12 February 2021 10 February 2021 27 January 2021 18 November 2020 12 November 2020 5 November 2020 21 October 2020 8 October 2020 24 June 2020 5 February 2020 10 February 2021 12 November 2020 5 February 2020 12 November 2019 10 February 2021 12 November 2020 21 October 2020 5 February 2020 5 November 2020 21 October 2020 5 February 2020 August 5, 2018 23 July 2015 12 February 2021 10 February 2021 27 January 2021 18 November 2020 12 November 2020 5 November 2020 21 October 2020 8 October 2020 24 June 2020 5 February 2020 10 February 2021 12 November 2020 5 February 2020 12 November 2019 10 February 2021 12 November 2020 21 October 2020 February 5, 2020How to use Parsley to induce a periodBefore I begin, I want to emphasize that this post should not be taken as a medical council. It's just a remedy I tried and went to work. DO NOT try if you may be pregnant as it may cause an abortion. This is just inducing a period. I had recently stopped hormonal birth control and my period was wrong. I'd been seeing for days and I wanted my period to begin so I could finish it. I tried to use it, but all it seemed to do was cause cramps. No thanks. I really wanted it to start this period and start getting things back. I stepped up the intention and found that the parsley is really very good a jump-starting a period. It supposedly works because parsley is a mild emenagogue that stimulates menstruation (you learn something every day). I want to mention again that this post is not a medical advice and this remedy should only be used if the pregnancy is not the cause of delay. If you're pregnant using parsley, you could cause an abortion. I bought a new, flat parsley for this. You can buy it in the fresh products section of your local store. I've also heard of people who use dry but fresh flakes is more powerful and more likely to give you the results you're looking for. In a pot, cook the water. While the water heats, wash the parsley and cut thinly, even the stems. After the water is about to boil, turn the temperature in between and put in the parsley. Allow the parsley to be packed in the water for about 20 minutes or so. You'll want the water to be a greenish yellow. The darker the color is the better. However, make sure you don't burn all the water! It pours life and leaves into a glass and allows to cool until it is drinkable. Then drink the tea, as well as the parsley himself. I'm gonna warn you, this tea tastes very nasty. I've heard of some people trying to use sugar or honey to make it more pleasant, but honestly their pretty bad anyway, especially the leaves. Try to drink this tea about 4 times a day or until your period begins. I used this method twice and both times my period began within a day and a half when I started drinking tea. As I said before, this is not medical advice, I'm just coming out of my own experiences and what were my successes. Let me know if you have succeeded in the comments section below! If this method does not work for you, see my post on the use of vitamin C to help induce a period: You may also like19 comments I used it to skip my cycle and worked at night! I just hope it doesn't last longer than it should. Did that happen to you or was your cycle the normal timeline? Thank you! I got tired of this and was pleased with the results, was using the black cohosh at the same time and a treatment of acupuncture along with it. Definitely try to use more ecological methods than tampax, your body will thank you for that 🙂 I used this many, many years ago, at least twice, and it worked at that time. At the time, I used tea bags. Now many, many years later, I used it again yesterday. This time, I used fresh parsley. (I didn't cut it or anything – I read this article after I had already done it) made tea (I left it rugged for about 20 minutes) and had two cups throughout the night. I realized small results before bedtime and full results in the morning. I'm taking another cup tonight, but I didn't make it strong, at all. It is relaxing and refreshingDo you have to be in a tea? Are you going to beat with parsley work? How much parsley do you use for 1 serving? I used the fresh parsley cooking method by accident (diet cleanse) and oh boy worked like at night... So curious to see if it would intentionally work, but this time with flakes and did it again... In half a day. Then again I tried because I was still not convinced that I just thought it was a mere pair of matches so I tried a lot more copos and FML?. I wasn't ready. ? So just adding my two cents that this method has always worked for me but I have learned that I have to be careful with the amount of fresh or dry parsley I use, as I see using more parsley created more cramps ?. Again I agree with the original poster... I am not a medical professional or insist that you try it but that it only gives you validity to the results of this method. I tried before my long visit to the BF. Do not boil only hot water on fresh parsley to make tea. I added ginger and honey for taste and I didn't really care about taste. I drank 5 cups a day one, 4 cups a day 2 and three. For an additional parsley impulse I added a load to a smooth with pineapple (the application of the column was suggested elsewhere with the same purpose). Unfortunately it didn't work as I expected. Some cramps. He dragged me (he also felt a little thinner at least) but he did not bleed. In fact, I ended up being 2 days late. As a result instead of having 1 day of my period during your visit I was in it all weekend:(. Well, it's worth going, I guess. When I was in the middle of gaining weight, changing sleep patterns I coz and working on drastic night changes caused my period from a regular to irregular cycle. I was almost at a point thinking I was pregnant because I was almost two weeks late. I used a lot of times to check if I was pregnant but not. So I saw this parsley tea online reading about it and tried it. This has been the answer to induce menstruation whenever it really works well. How many times did he drink it once and it worked five hours later. Guys. This really works! My period was supposed to start on Thursday 24, I'm not the heaviest day would be Friday. Same night as my friend's party, I was so upset! Luckily. I have a flow of light quite enough and if my period started a couple of days before it left practically before the party! I drank this tea as a last resort! I drank two cups the first night (the 20). The second day (21) I drank 3 cups of parsley tea and 3 cups of strawberry leaf tea and had a hot bath. The third day (22) I drank a cup of tea and at noon for a period was blown! I've never been so happy to start my period! Fantastic! I keep drinking tea in the hope that it will accelerate my flow! We'll see! Updates are coming soon! Can't your period return the same day the next month? This also worked for me! I stopped taking birth control this month and my period was delayed a bit. In birth control, I expected to have my period on Tuesday, but it didn't come. I wanted to go back to my cycle so I had 2 cups of parsley tea on Wednesday, 3 on Thursday (combined with a ginger-turmeric tea) and my period started on Friday morning! My name is Allison Hayden. And I was wondering if parsley tea really works. I stumbled into this article after I was 2.5 weeks late. I know it was impossible to get pregnant because my husband and I have been separated for more than a month dealing with some deaths in our family, moving, being in school, etc. I decided to try because my period has never jumped more than 2 days in a row. Tea doesn't know anything horrible... rash a little ginger, add honey and a slice of lemon while it's still hot and you'll enjoy it. I had two cups, tomorrow and night for two days... I started to shit on the first day, then nothing, same for the second day. I knew my period was coming, but I didn't even see a little place, so I decided to jump to drink it another day and I said I'd wait a week and if I didn't understand it, I'd give up and go see my doctor because I have a vacation coming and I have to do things. Wellll... I was at work on the 3rd day of the day that I did not decide to take the tea and I felt some sensations down there along with a small cramp again. So I was like letting myself try to be safe so I went to put a tampon and when I pulled the applicator out there, Miss. AF! Next time I won't wait for weeks to spend before I drink it, if I jump one day I will follow the same recipe and relax and wait for things to happen. By the way, you don't have to eat the leaves or put it in your Vagina or anything that is a tad end. The tea world is fine. Talk about a miraculous tea! I arrived a month late and took multiple pregnancy tests and they were all negative. I'm pretty consistent and always on time so having jumped a month was really stressful.. like the time that would normally begin my period was coming this month, I decided to take action because I was very anxious and worried about the border. I heard someone mentioned something about parsley tea and I thought I'd give him a chance but had ZERO expectations, he was pretty desperate at this point. On Sunday 5/12, I started and chopped a good handful of parsley.. boiled hot water.. steeped about 2/3 pinches of parsley for about 10 minutes and drank about 3/4 cups. On Monday 5/13, I took another handful of parsley to work with me but I couldn't cut this lot like yesterday. We gave him a water dispenser, so I got torn on a small handful of parsley to put it in my cup and fill it with hot water. I had about 2 cups (I used a new small handful of parsley per cup) and I didn't piss you off – I started staining inside a hr/2!!! I made 2 cups more throughout my day at work just to finish the amount of parsley I brought but yes, my period began to pick up. Still at the lightest end, but I woke up in the middle of the night - now it's Tuesday 5/14- to the cramps and a little more of a flow and I'm just in the astonishment of how this really worked and I felt it was my duty to report this and share for the next woman in need of hope! I think just rinsing a parsley and pouring hot water over a cup will do the trick. There's no need to cut and pack. Good luck, ladies! My period is usually always, perfectly, incredibly in time. I'm not in any form of birth control (yes), my body usually does this. This month my period was late, and I didn't feel like it was coming either. I'm usually pretty good at being able to feel it's coming. This month I couldn't. That's what he said, he was very worried. I took a pregnancy test on my own and my doctor tested me twice and they all went negative so I couldn't understand why it was late (at this point it was 3 days). I am naturally an anxious person so I decided to try to induce the period myself by drinking this tea. I had my first drink this morning around 8 AM and my second around 5 PM and at 6PM THE SAME DAY, MY MERCATE PERIOD! Beyond the chopped. Sissies! This worked for me! I was feeling cramps type period 5 days beyond my ovulation that was rare, and not usually me so bad cramps (sound ovulation pains + period cramps + terrible back pains). I only have some twins on one or both sides because of ovulation, but nothing worse like this. I was worried that my BF and I did it 6 days before my expected ovulation, although it is supposed to be a safe day and we opted for withdrawal. When I got those cramps and bad twins, I knew something was off, and it could be an implant cramp. I did a pregnancy test on the second day of cramps, but it went negative. It could have been a false negative because I've tried too early and I just want my period to come as soon as possible as a guarantee that I'm not pregnant. So I tried the parsley tea method + vitamin C. I drank 1 cup of parsley tea on the first day, 2 cups on the second and third day, and 3 on the fourth day. I also combined it with the vitamin C method. Then dark red bleeding + clots came today! I was so surprised to work because my period is not due to come in a week and my body could have needed more time and "nutrients" to thicken the uterine coating before I can spill. Now he came, but still in small quantities. I am quite sure that this is my period of bleeding due to its dark red and a little coagulated nature; similar to those I get in my normal periods. I'll still be drinking parsley tea and vitamin C, but at lower concentrations, just for the period-type bleeding to occur. Note that it was not very consistent with the doses and drinking times, including vitamin C. He was very busy and had no proper time to take them. To make up for the "ropads" dose, I will double the amount of tea and vitamin C I take every time I have the opportunity. There are times I drink 2 vitamin C partitions in 1 sitting after being busy for a few hours. Furthermore, I would like to point out that these methods worked slower than the others here because I am 7 days from my expected period. That is a long stretch for parsley tea and vitamin C to make your magic instantly. I advise you to simply continue to take your parsley teas and take your vitamin C until the period-type bleeding (ideally dark red with clots), or is at least 7 days of your expected period as I do. I hope this helps, and thanks to all who shared your experience! For taste, I added pure mint extract! It made him smell and taste much better! Leave a comment Save my name, email and website on this browser for the next time you comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Looking for something? Never lose a job! Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's be updated! We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. You can know more about which cookies we are using or turning them off in the settings. This website uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience. 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Can Parsley Tea Cause Herbal Abortion Miscarriage OITNB
How to use parsley to induce menstruation - Quora
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Your Complete Guide to Parsley Tea – TopicTea
7 Surprising Benefits of Parsley Tea (And How to Make It)
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Parsley - 12 Amazing Scientifically Backed Health Benefits and Side Effects - MyDietGoal
Eating Parsley during Pregnancy - Health Benefits & Side Effects
Parsley: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparations
Parsley Tea Using Fresh Or Dried Parsley + Why Drink It? | Vegan Recipes To Join Your Regular Rotation | Willamette Transplant
Parsley Tea Benefits - Tea Majesty
What Is the Connection between Parsley and Menstruation?
9 home remedies to make your period come faster - Online Tips
Parsley Herb
Foods to Induce and Regulate Your Period | Diet & Fitness
Buy Parsley Tea: Benefits, How to make, Side effects | Herbal Teas Online
Parsley: Health Benefits, facts, and research
12 Ways to Make Your Period Come Faster Safely - CoveVille
Doctors ask that you please not put parsley in your vagina
How to get rid of period cramps with this 10 herbs and flowers | The Ladies Room
How to Get Periods Fast | How to Induce Periods, Prepone Periods | Home Remedies to Prepone Menstruation Naturally
Parsley's ability to stimulate menstruation
Breathe Gently: Parsley Tea & Missing Periods
How to Make Parsley Tea - Brooklyn Farm Girl
Pin on Self Care
Parsley Is For Dinner, Not Your Vagina | Grazia
Using Parsley to Induce Menstruation – Results - Baby Schooling
Parsley Herb
Parsley Tea for Inducing Menstruation | Conceiving Faith
How to Get Periods Fast | How to Induce Periods, Prepone Periods | Home Remedies to Prepone Menstruation Naturally
How to Make Parsley Tea - Brooklyn Farm Girl
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